Dream a little dream of..

By Fredericke

Wonderful Workplace

As I sat all day in the bedroom working out how I was going to package the products I am selling in my new business, I wondered what it would be like to have a big open workspace with loud music! Rather than a tiny bedroom with the radio on at a moderate level, getting cramped legs and aching back from being sat on the bed all day, making things and writing emails.

I get a call from my brother to meet him at his workshop at 5.30 to have my tyres changed. I arrive and he takes the van round and invites me into the workshop, WOW! Huge open space, white tiled floor, banging Sound system, slick, with everything they need neatly organised into slick Snap On cabinets around the perimeter, hydraulic car lifts that disappear into the ground, and all oils, liquids, gas etc on a system plumbed at high level and fed down to each lift point. Talk about sophisticated working! Call me naive, but the most sophisticated environment i see are building sites! I love the dust, dirt, noise etc, but today made me wonder if I prefer the tidy slick environment, complete, of course, with extremely loud music!

You can see my little blue van in the workshop. The only vehicle with an ounce of colour on it out of about 20 cars in the workshop!

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