Dream a little dream of..

By Fredericke

Onwards and backwards

Monday 11th April entry is actually Sunday 10th ooops

This is Monday the 11th April--->

A difficult day today. The house is being sold and we have to leave. Bad times. I know everything will work out but at the minute it seems as though it won't be quite as planned and I am scared of being trapped into financial commitment I am not happy with. Time to get these businesses off the ground and keep those options wide open! Onwards and upwards. Always the optimist.

Tuesday 12th April

Concentrating on business promotion I spent the day sat on the bed networking the business's and giving myself a crash course in HTML! Something I know nothing about. Then decided to cycle 12 miles. This nearly killed me and i hated it, until i got to the village and saw all the lovely blossom! Haven't been on the bike in over a week, and had been covering nearly 30 miles per ride! Starting to resent cycling now, however it's for a charity ride in June so I have to stick in there regardless. Discipline is the key. I have none of this :(

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