GAD's 365


Another sunny day

I was over in Hexham today visiting a couple of clients and on the way back thought that I would have a bit of free time to pop down to the river in Newcastle and try and shoot a few sea birds in flight. Now normally on the Tyne you can't move for the buggers but today none of them wanted to play. Got a few far off shots but no 'keepers'. As I was returning forlornly to the car I noticed this rather excellent pattern and shadow cast made by the flats next to where I parked. Day saved!

House project progress:

Bathroom wall tiling, nearly complete except we ran out of tiles two tiles from completion. Every other time I've tiled anything, I've always ended up with way more than I need. Very frustrating. Should be finished on Thursday though so not all lost. And it looks awesome!

Also got my freshly cut shelves up. They look cool! Big and chunky and now full of cookery books.

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