Even in death!

Yesterday some workmen came to me as I was in the front garden and asked if Iknew if the old lady two doors down was about! 6weeks ago the council had asked her to move to a smaller single persons unit as she lived in a two bedroom council house on her own. She was 85 , smoked like a chimney and feircely independant. REgardless of her wish to remain in her own home, the council decided to go into her house and put in new central heating, resulting in a great upheaval for the old girl, so much so that she became confused etc.

Some days she would go to the shop after closing time in the evening and get a bit lost but most times folks who knew her got her back home. Once the workmen had been they had lifted all her carpets put in the new heating then left. So she had no carpets, not even a kettle as they cleared her place out filling 4 huge bags of her clothes and putting them in storage.

Yesterday after the workmen left, I picked up their two cans of coke they were drinking and had just discarded them in her front garden! Today, the same workmen came again, this time no reply. Eventually the guy across the road went over and her door was open and there she was....

We reckon she passed away last night and had had enough of life. She had one son who has been abroad for years! Anyhow after the police and ambulance had left her (still in the house) and had left her premises, one of them casually discared their gloves also in her front garden! (let me just add that the ambulanceman when I saw him was wearing blue gloves! these are white, so not him) not sure who else entered her home today!

Makes you wonder! Even in death, where is the love?

Hope folks look after you all

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