
By liammitchell7

Model Making - Day 12

With the workshops now open again, I spent the day completing more work in there. I began the day by drilling 6 holes through the backboard to allow my wiring to run through the front where it is attached to the LEDs to the back where the cell batteries are concealed. I used a hand power drill for this, having measured the positisioning holes accurately using dowel pegs.

After this, I then destructed my shelving grid and began to mortise my shelving units to where the reed switches would be held in order to activative the circuit when the magnet is placed on top. I used the mortise drill to achieve this and found this pretty easy. Afterwards, I sanded the sides down with a small amount of sandpaper to give a cleaner, neater finish.

Finally, I then build the structure back up again and glued the grid and shelving unit to the backboard using PVA wood adhesive glue to create a butt joint. This was extremely difficult as I needed the drilled holes to line up with each order to allow the wiring to pass through. It also required my to clamp the pieces together which then became difficult due to the nature of the smaller clamps and not tightening them to hard so to make the shelving uneven and marking the bamboo but not making them too loose so that the two surfaces didn't attach. Overall, I am a little bit disappointed with this.

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