Family Dog

By Family_Dog

pish fingers

lots of things to blip today - creepy, foggy weather being the obvious one. I decided to go out at lunchtime and actually FIND something worth blipping. After taking pictures of railings, trees and out of focus holly I decided to give it up and stand on the street corner staring vaguely at cars going past whilst consuming a fruit & nut like I was breathing it in.

Got back to the office and decided to make my lunch. Fish finger sandwich & heinz tomato soup (cravings). My mind was so consumed with god only knows what (and even he doesn't care - should he exist) that I burnt the fecking fish fingers.

Still ate them though. Charcoal isn't so bad when you're preggers.

Fish fingers and peas are my new craving. As is Heinz tomato soup. I am considering moving onto potato waffles with fried egg on top (ooh god my mouth is watering at that idea). I'm obviously having some kind of 1980s revival with my cravings.

The makers of soda stream, mr frosty, ice magic & creamola foam should get VERY excited.

There has been a new development in my 'pregnancy look'. Here it is yes, Robert Smith. No not those two grinning nimrods next to him.

I would like to say in hair terms only, but when I checked my fizzog this morning after eating my breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee my lipstick really did look like that.

It's a non stop glamour roller coaster people. Non Stop.

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