Family Dog

By Family_Dog

light at 5.30pm...

Cripes. As ever, I have words. Millions of them.

I just can't forumulate any of them into anything coherent right now. I'll try my best but please forgive.

5 things about today

1. Had my first pre-natal class thingamydoodah today. After my 2 hour class I am now qualified to say that this having a baby malarky is a piece of piss and all I need to do is relax and breathe! Easy. You wouldn't know it but I'm actually doing that now. NO PROBLEMS. This will be a total doddle.

2. My evil ex boss has finally coughed up enough hairballs of courage to tell me she's not going to be helping me in any way financially with maternity pay. All together now....BIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTTTTTTTTCH

3. I had a Greggs cheese & onion pastie today even though I knew it would repeat on me later in the day (Anneke says that's the best thing about them) and give me heartburn. I ate it, it was mediocre. It repeated on me all day. It gave me heartburn.

4. I left work today at 5.30pm and it was light outside. My tummy skipped with excitement. I know that glum weather will probably descend once again on all of us, but I couldn't help but smile as I walked down the road (without my gloves on! how novel).

5. When I got home, Bry had done a sneaky paint job in the bathroom and it is now officially 90% finished. Oh joy joy joy. It is green and white and reminds me of those sweeties you used to get that were like Opal Fruits, only they were green & white striped (pacers?).

That's me done for today I think. Sorry it's another mobile phone blip. I still think it's a miracle I remember to put my pants on every day - never mind put a camera in my bag......

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