
I find it horrifying that people picnicking and enjoying the sun in the Meadows, as they did yesterday, should leave behind all their plastic bags and other rubbish in the middle of the grass without even attempting to put it beside the bins at the side of the paths.
What sort of upbringing did these people have that allows them to think it permissible not to take their rubbish away with them? I blame their parents.

The grass was covered in orange plastic bags and white paper bags when I went out to blip these windows in this office building in Exchange Square.
It took the rubbish collectors in their vans quite a while to tidy it up, and no doubt they will have to do it all over again tomorrow morning.

Apart from having a moan, the day so far has been peaceful, sitting outside in the sun with the papers. Any activity has been put on hold while it is so wonderful just to sit in the heat and watch other people exercise.

I do think about the runners pounding the streets today in the Edinburgh Marathon and Half Marathon, hoping that they're not feeling too hot and that the water stations don't run dry. But I can't help being glad that I'm not one of them.

"What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare," sums up today's lethargy very neatly.

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