michigan man

By outdoorguy


We were within 200 miles of home when my wife said, "I'd like to stop at the Homestead Collection", which is a nice gift shop in Findlay, Ohio. We got out of the van at 11:45, and returned to the van at 12;22. I then hatched my plan. I said, "It seems like if you got 37 minutes at your store, then I should get 37 minutes at my choice. I guilted her into stopping at Cabelas
I don't hunt or fish..( If it does'nt have a ball it's not a sport), but I like to stop and look at the animals, even if they are dead and stuffed.
My favorite small bird- the cardinal. My favorite shorebird- the pelican. My favorite small animal- the squirrel. My favorite big animal- the majestic moose. Every time we go east or west, I'm disapointed if we don't get to see one, but they are crafty and elusive. Just like the pelican, the moose is goofy-looking and also gangly, but what a beautiful animal.
I hope I never see one up close and personal, becuase I guess they really do a number on your vehicle.
Got home about 4 p.m. Feels good to be home, although it's chilly(high about 50). By the looks of things, spring is stiil quite a ways off.

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