
Thought I'd add to the butterfly collection appearing today. Mrs S took this photo near the River Forth in Stirling this morning. I think its a Red Admiral but happy to be corrected if its actually something else. Can't recall seeing a butterfly in this part of the world this early in the year. It sure did add to an already bright and warm day.

Had to run with this blip today as Mrs S spent the best part of 20 mins chasing 2 butterflies around some hedgerows waiting for them to land so that they could 'have their photos taken'. I enjoyed a relaxing seat whilst the photo-hunt was underway.

Contrary to what the females of the species would have folks believe it seems men are actually quite good at multi-tasking - I handed over the camera; watched as the pursuit took place; enjoyed the view of Stirling from the riverside; drank a can of cola; provided some telepathic encouragement to take as long as was needed to get the photos; and absorbed some nice sunny rays. Hard work this multi-tasking stuff.

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