Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


We say "he/she has a gift". Sometimes it's a gift to express what the heart can hear through music, or what it can see through art. At times, "the gift" is a way with words or even skill with numbers.

A gift from where? A gift from who? To receive a gift, someone must give it. To have something to give, it must first be received. But from where/from whom?

Those who put on the conference I am attending, are strong believers in James 1:17 from the Bible, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." He stays the same, this Father. He doesn't change, and He always wants to give good gifts. It is because of this, the leaders of this conference have invited this delightful gentleman to 'hang out' during the portions of the conference while we sing our praises to God, and paint what "shows up" in his heart. This expression of God's love for His people is one of the many ways I found encouragement today. The canvas was blank when he began at last night's session. While I shot these pictures, he was giving shape to the bird that was flying right through the painting. He paints with the ease of one who is completely confident that he is free to share the gift that he receives, and that he will never be disappointed when he asks for something to give.

May I always give as freely of that which is given to me.

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