
By Tardy

Luck: Good or Bad?

About a month ago I found a butterfly in my bedroom. It was on my wall above my bed and I can only think that the central heating had, prematurely made the wee guy wake up! So with all respect, and a little bit of worry, I let him go, but didn't really expect him to survive as it was freezing outside!

Then two days later, either he managed to get back in or another butterfly woke up! And was again sitting on the wall above my bed. This time I did a little research before I put him out. I left out a couple of flowers, an apple and an orange, but to be honest I think it was still to cold.

Then today I found this wee guy on the wall outside sunning himself! Could it be? Is it possible?

Butterflies are alleged the first sign of change and good fortune. But I wonder if I've spoiled it by throwing the poor wee guy out twice!!

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