Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

Red Truck Silver City

I love this auld grey toon.

Recently I have been aghast at the council cock ups, plans to bulldoze old parks, ignore it's heritage and total lack of foresight. I was even tempted to make a photo film of all the places needing love and renovation to cause a stink when councillors were voting for Sir Ian Woods ego square at umpteen million taxpaying pounds.

But I haven't yet.

I love this place, and today my good pal and I went out to capture her beauty. I have made lifelong friendships here, fallen in love, broken some laws, seen success and failure.

Made it my home.

So I will rant and rail. I will hue and cry. But only to protect the special granite heart that accepted me as one of it's own.

I love this auld grey toon.


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