Oh Why Not.....

I'm not too keen on self portraits, but i decided that I liked this shot and besides which it marks a moment i won't easily forget! In a couple of days it'll be my birthday, not quite the really big one, but close enough.....lets just say it's the last in a particular decade....

anyway, my dear daughter Morgan sent me a birthday card with such amazing words of love and praise that i just sat on the steps of the Baddeck Post Office, in the sunshine, reading it and crying!!! I got some weird looks but i didn't care! Terry was in the hardware store, and when he came out i got him to take this shot, after i'd wiped the tears and pulled myself together!

It is such an amazing gift to have your child (now 22 years old) write such a heartfelt message in a card....so moving and thoughtful.....it just wipes away all the crazy days of raising them when they were small! I refer to 'them' because Morgan has an identical twin, Bronwyn.

It was such a glorious day here, warm and sunny.....and after my emotional episode, we headed down to the water front and had a lovely walk!

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