A grey weather day.
This is another view of my garden. It's a shared garden between 4 houses but the good part is that for the vast majority of the year it's just us here.
I visited my mum and dad today to wish mum a happy mother's day. As the 3 men in my life are all under the weather again I was given a "get out of jail" pass and went by myself which made a nice change. It gave them a good "father and son" day opportunity too. After reading the chapter of "raising cain" with the same title I was reminded how important that relationship is and how it has to be carefully nurtured.
I spent a lot of time looking around for an interesting blip but it didn't happen. I need to build up a bit of nerve as I'm uncomfortable photographing strangers without their permission, although I'd really like too!
It was a bit cold, grey and windy here today. Hopefully the weather will improve as the week goes on. Bring me sunshine, la di dah!!
- 0
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- Apple iPhone
- f/2.8
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