Convexed you bend, twist and shout

It was difficult to know how to approach the beast.

It was penned in; prevented from roaming freely the streets of the town which it could easily destroy.

I tried going for a position across the street, but cars passing and slowing down also to gaze at it's great height and beauty were getting in my way.

I took my life in my hands and decided to approach it head on.

I drove up close and pulled the car in beside the cage.

Close to, the fencing was minimal. This beast, should it wish could remove it in one swipe. It was there merely as a caution. Unless the beast was riled. it would stay where it had been set. It has no reason to roam, no reason to wreak havoc.

As I stood beside it, it lowered it's head, bowing down, acknowledging my courage in approaching it when others would stay away.

I smiled, asked permission to take a photograph, and bowed back in return as I climbed into my car, and left the Great Beast to his thoughts.

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