Daisy Daisy

I've not tagged a fellow blipper in my journal recently, so this one today is for Delicate Chains who has been keeping a journal that almost mirrors my own thoughts. The main difference is that she is quite good at photography. So DC keep smiling, you'll work out where you wanna be eventually :-)

Had a lovely long message to read when I got in last night, hopefull around 6/7pm tonight another will land in the inbox!

Someone commenting last night that I seem to be trying too hard. I think possibly on the contrary although it appears I'm trying hard here on blip, I've really done very little to further my dalliance with the opposite sex for a long while. My last relationship left me exhausted, drained and frankly smashed any self confidence I ever had to piece. I was flicking through some old pictures yesterday from our times together: Very few of me, plenty of her. I think that speaks volumes.

Accidentally took two lots of sleeping tablets last night so today I'm proper woozy. It feels quite cool actually, might bang a line of them tonight with some babycham whilst wearing a dinner suit. Make me feel like one of them city types. I suppose the illusion would be shattered when I woke up in my four bed semi on an old RAF base surrounded by the dregs of society though. When I say dregs of society that's fairly harsh: most those who live around me couldn't be classed as part of society.

So the weekend, thats going to be exciting right? Yeah. Tomorrow I shall indulge in a day of doing sweet FA. Zanna has given Kirky a day release to come and spend some bloke time so I figure beer, FIFA and occasionally maybe a purely tobacco roll up. Sunday is Mothers Day so I guess it'll be a bit of cooking for her, some games of cards and hand over the latest Daniel O'Donnell CD. The problem is I shall have to go and buy the latest D O'D CD, which means a check out girl in Tesco might think I'm a fan.

Fuck that. I'll order it online.

Watched Crimewatch last night, theres some real bad buggers about isn't there. A Sheffield based rapist basically matched my description (bar him being 18 and spotty whereas I'm 32 and ruggedly charming). He even had my flaming fleece on. My brother suggested I wear a different fleece next time I'm prowling round my neighbourhood at night. How little he knows: I wouldn't go out round my neighbourhood at night if my hoodie was stab proof and bomb proof.

Glad they caught the Night Stalker though. That absolute bastard should swing. I'll nail my colours to the mast right now: The Death Penalty in some instances is a good thing. Delroy Grant, Robert Napper, Ian Huntley and the new Grimsby Town managers are all a drain on the taxpayer and shouldn't be allowed the steal oxygen from us good folk.

Happy weekend y'all, and if you're in the Lincoln area and want to pop in for a bottle of Carlsberg and a chat about hating 90% of civilisation, you know the number to call.

Something for the weekend that's puts a smile on even the most miserable of faces. Even mine.

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