Who knew?

By InOtherNews


This is the closest I had to get to Grimsby today without getting out of the van. I stood at the extreme end of Cleethorpes 'promenade' (more on that later) and snapped this. On the right you'll see the dock tower which I mentioned is modelled on the Torre Del Mangia in Siena. Oh how I love Siena, oh how I love Tuscany. Oh how I despise Grimsby, oh how it stinks to high heaven.

On the left: Blunder Blundell Park home of Grimsby Town FC the stinking Codhead bastards. It's not even in Grimsby, it's in Cleethorpes. Their own town don't want them. The scum got relegated last year, easily the best thing that happened all year, and that inclues getting laid.

Sorry for the crudeness, Grimsby brings it out of me. Also I think my nephew Isaac being born was better. Mind you they both happened in the same week, bloody good week that was.

I'm not sure what the big white and blue building is. Maybe that's where they store the heroin. Maybe it's where normal people go to be coated in fish guts and given taxpayers money to blow on cheap alcohol, fags and fat sl*gs. I dunno.

Sorry for the crudeness again. Really. No I am. Proper sorry.

Cleethorpes Promenade. Basically a collection of closed shops, skanky cafes and obese, greasy people with too many kids and not enough clothing to cover their rippled and sagging bodies. That's all I have to say on that.

The chatting to nice girls is ticking over alright. I feel now I'm getting to know one of them, albeit through one message a day, that it would be crass to discuss it. Is that fair? I know that some of you lovely people would like to know how it's going but some things I should perhaps keep to myself. I've also kept that in mind when chatting, so far here are a list of things I haven't mentioned (I haven't lied either though):

I share accomodation with my Mum

Last weeks episode

A long term experimentation on non prescription organic medication (now being dealt with)

The fact I dress up in a furry suit and dance for 3,000 men every week

I have mentioned my love of Italian cuisine, my interest in psychology and hypnotherapy and how much I dislike current petrol prices.

She mentioned her last job was removing the eyes from dead people for transplantation. Ace.

I said I wasn't going to discuss her didn't I? Sorry Debs if you ever read this.

Ps: Don't mention Latvia, thats a different one.

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