Hold Me Now, Warm My Heart

A year ago ]we lost Nunk.

Tonight was my Reiki night, and tonight was an evening of bereaved parents. It seemed apt somehow, that on a day of remembering, I spent the evening with other people remembering.

For all that, it was not an unpleasant evening. It was an evening of smiles and laughter and the movement of some of the most lovely energy around. Energy that gives off a scent of regrowth and rebirth, and healing.

A strange thing though tonight, as I sat working away, I thought back to my first night at the House, and the very first person I had held, who wasn't family or friend and until that night had been a stranger to me.

When I finished that night, I asked hesitantly, "how was it". He replied, "it was lovely, you have very lovely hands".

I was satisfied.

Imagine my surprise when the next person through the door, three years later, was that very same person.

My delight at seeing a face I recognised, made me greet him with a yelp. Which gave way to a sudden sadness, because I instantly realised that the reason I had met him in the first place, was the reason he was back.

He climbed aboard, and I set to work, hoping that once more, my hands would be "lovely". When i stirred him 45 minutes later, he sat up and smiled, and said "I feel better now, than I have in a long time".

On my way home, I stopped off at Nants, I couldn't let the day go past without a hug, and hopefully some of that lovely energy will have rubbed off on her.

Night Night Folks, Sleep Tight.

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