A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Perfect Pig

At last we got a taste of the fine weather that's rest of the UK's been having for the last couple of days.

So, as usual, Ruaridh Prince of Dogs, was off to the beach for his daily constitutional where he enjoyed a swim, a stroll and the occasional wild goose chase, well actually it was a wild duck chase.

You'll be happy to know that I didn't turn up at the pig killing this morning. One of the village pigs was due to be slaughtered today and I was invited along to take some pictures. I wasn't interested in the killing but I would have been a great opportunity to get a really interesting portrait.

Before you hold your hands up in horror, these pigs have had the best of lives, living and growing up on a croft. There very well fed and housed and generally have the run of the place. They're killed, butchered and processed on the same croft so there's no stress at all.

If your going to eat a dead pig, which I don't, this would be the perfect pig.

Maybe another time.

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