a town called E.

By Eej

Fab Friday

I went on an adventure after work, all by myself. Go me! I found out where the snow goes when snow ploughs dump it on trucks and trucks drive off in the distance: to the abandoned railroad tracks. There are still mountains of nasty grey frozen gunk, so compacted it's going to take forever to melt. Of course, the fact that it's barely above freezing right now doesn't help. With all the sun it's easy to think it's spring, but we are not quite there yet :)

This morning when I left home, Mr. Squirrel sat on his stump. When I came home he was there too. I don't think he hung out there for hours waiting for me, but it was still sweet. He ran up to the patio, and sat himself on a planter while I put my bike away. And grabbed a few nuts :)
He ate, I took photos laying in the grass enjoying the sun. He scolded passing birds, I giggled. Then he went over to the patio to have a drink from the bird bath, sniffed around the veggie patch and climbed back on the stump.
It was all rather blissful :)

I let the Beloved choose between rail road tracks and this squirrel and guess what he chose? ;)

Though, admittedly, I am so smitten with the Squire that I probably would have chosen this one too. The tracks will still be there next week, but who knows if this critter will still find me interesting then?

Three good things for today:

It's friday
It's friday
It's friday!

BIG Squire

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