Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia


This lady is taking all the used infusion bottles from the previous 24 hours to the recycling centre.I think in some ways Cambodia is really rather advanced when it comes to recycling. Every village has a house where the recyclers live. They are chaotic looking places with great mounds of plastic ,tin and cardboard piled up round the house often as high as the house itself!The family just get on with getting on hanging their washing and hammocks from the piles of recyclables.In every town there are ladies and men who go round pulling a wooden trailer that they collect recyclable waste in . You can always hear them coming as they attach an empty plastic bottle ,usually washing up liquid to their handlebar into which they have inserted a squeaker that they press to encourage people to bring out their waste. I presume they then sell this stuff to the recyclers who then sell it on to who knows where. A lot of this waste is made into useable products and sold in the shops and markets.I have a bag made from re cycled plastic, a computer case made from recycled rice sacks and a mosquito repelling coil burner made from a recycled tuna tin.The saddest thing of all is seeing young children dressd in rags and usually with no shoes on dragging round big sacks of rubbish that they have collected presumably hoping to make a few riel to supplement the family income

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