Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Climbing trees


I decided not to blip on Monday because everything I had taken was soo rubbish. But, with a few days hindsight, I quite like No.1 son's expression in this one. It was a tree that was bent right over, to about 45 degrees from the floor and he had shimmied along it, totally delighted with himself. We were on the way home from the park with a friend and her 2 little ones and I was rushing to get No.1 to football class. It wasn't until I was getting the boys out of the car that I realised I'd forgotten his trainers. I really should have gone home and fetched them, but I managed to justify it to myself (playing football in the park is the same as having a lesson, right?!) and we went home to make Daddy's birthday present instead. It was a good job we did, because I have no idea when else we would have done it - possibly the whole experience was just the universe telling me to get my act together!!!

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