
By Appreciation

The Exchange

The other day when I was in Queensferry I saw this shot. The sun was high and the sky was clear blue, but as often happens something else won out. Today, when I was in such a rush, I was keeping this in the back of my mind.

No other opportunities came up and none are likely too now. So on leaving I jumped out the car, ran up the stairs and grabbed this shot, just as a tanker was going by - perhaps it's our own Mariner who is in the area just now. Don't think so as this was going the wrong way for him, unless he had just been refuelling?

I'm about to undertake an interesting experiment. Scarlet Haberdashery is considering a big DSLR and is trying out a few. Today she and I are going to exchange cameras. She has a small Coolpix which I have never used. It should be either very interesting, or very bloody annoying.

It's really funny, I made this exchange offer some time ago, but ever since I have been dreading the day my baby will be taken from me. I will feel naked going out with just a handbag.

I will have to re-think my shots and re-tune my eye to the capabilities of the new camera, which in itself will make this exchange very worthwhile.

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