
By Appreciation

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

Day one of the Exchange between Scarlet Haberdashery and myself. She picked up my baby, tripod, bag and cleaning stuff last night. I swear it would have been easier to give her one of my chldren. She handed me in return the teeny tiniest bag inside which was an ever teenier Coolpix camera.

Today in Queensferry I was reading the manual. Having read the one for my camera some 2 years after buying it, I've become a manual convert and spread the word to all who will listen. It made no sense whatsoever. I did find a few familiar items and some less so. I can't wait to try the Party/Indoor and the Snow/Beach settings, although hopefully not together and with the preferred option of Beach rather than Snow. The Museum setting sounds intriguing, as does the Fireworks Show and the Smile. Infact, perhaps you could have an Indoor Party, in a Museum, with a Beach theme and Indoor Fireworks as well. Smile Please - Perfect! I will consider which day to shoot that one.

Today We have the Bridge, from the Bridge. It reminds me of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest because of all the people who have jumped. I dread to think what state these souls were in at that time. I was nervous enough getting so close to the edge to take this. An immediate fault in the Coolpix hit me. There is NO viewfinder! How do you take shots with no viewfinder? Particularly on such a glorious day when the sun in bleaching out the LCD display screen. Point and Shoot my dear, point and shoot.

Please check on Scarlet and my baby. I do hope she didn't almost drop it today like I did hers - in the big splash!

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