A different class

Found myself wandering around the New Town today, on the way to Mackenzie to pick up a canvas and leather strap that they'd made for my Billingham so that I can hang it lower and across the body rather than constantly slipping off one shoulder. Not bad - I only ordered it in December but the guy was very apologetic and knocked £20 off the price.

They have much nicer lanes in the New Town, as you'd expect with it being the New Town. So clean and sparkly and bright. And so very suspicious of a bloke with a camera. Two actually. The wee LX3 and the Holga I used for yesterday's.

Speaking of yesterday's - I feel I should explain because the look was pretty accidental but I'll probably do it again. It was (as Dr Craig correctly identified) a Holga although on film. But I couldn't scan because someone who shall remain nameless still had the power supply for my scanner so I used the Stewart Bremner trick of holding the negative in front of white light and taking a photo of it (hence the 7D EXIF data). The quality is pretty poor and processing in Silver Efex Pro just made it worse / better.

Anyway, this is all digital because as well as not finishing the film I've been out at the football. Ordinarily I can't stand football but Brechin (Mandy's home town) were playing St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup so we went along. They lost. I shouldn't say this but St Johnstone were better.

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