Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Breaking Point

Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern at my two day hiatus, I'd love to report to you things are okay and I've had a ball. Sadly they're not and I haven't.

On Friday evening all the bad food, late nights and stressful incidents finally took their toll and I found myself laying awake all night in bed mulling things over. By the time Saturday came I had neither the impetus to sleep or the inclination to get up. Saturday night followed, an uncomfortable example of being too tired to sleep. I expected a great sleep last night, but the pressure of a 6am alarm meant I finally dozed off shortly before five to.

It's now 11.41am on Monday meaning bar the odd five minutes here and there I have actually been awake for around 76 hours. I do know two things: this is a personal best for me and it isn't a good thing. I have felt sick for a majority of that time and have been unable to eat much at all. I fear this is the much publicised 'stress' finally making its mark on me.

I headed into work but am going home to prepare for what will hopefully be a bit of shut eye, followed by a trip to my doctor tomorrow to discuss what appears to be 'breaking point' in my battle against stress.

Wish me luck.

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