Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

After the party's over

The trouble with having had such a brilliant Birthday Eve is that there's always a worry that the Real Thing will be a bit of a letdown. Luckily, I am very much along the thinking that, if that were so, my son would be a spoilt brat and would have to get over himself.

Equally luckily, he seems to have enjoyed every moment of his first ever double figures birthday. From opening his presents to realising he couldn't play with half of them because his Mum had forgotten to buy batteries to going to see Rango with 6 of his friends to coming back here and having a Nerf war in the woods to having pizza and ice cream cake, he's loved it all.

All the shots taken today had other kids in, and I hadn't asked their mums if I could blip them, so they will remain private. I felt bad enough that I hadn't asked their mums if they could go into the "tick filled woods" (not my words btw), I didn't feel quite brave enough to ask if I could pimp them out for a decent internet shot as well ;)

So, a very quick shot of the end of a really, really happy weekend. Am now studiously ignoring the fact that Tom has his 8am maths class tomorrow, as I know that by 730, it really will have been forgotten.....

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