Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Ninja Night

How good a feeling is it when you plan a big surprise for one of your kids and it is just absolutely bang on, hits the spot perfect?!

Tomorrow is Tom's 10th birthday. As a surprise, we took the whole family into the city, starting off with a trip up the Rockerfeller Building. We were going to do the ESB but Tom said he prefers the Rock because it has a fancier lift.

Then we shot downtown to Ninja NY, a restaurant with a theme of, yep! You've guessed it...ninjas. Cue lots of ninja waiters making you jump every two seconds, a class magic show and food with dry ice bellowing out of it. And fire. Lots and lots of fire. Tom (well, all 4 of them actually) was bowled over. As was our credit card.

Just as things couldn't get any better, we asked him to check his coat pocket where his Dad had hidden two tickets to WWE Wrestlemania at Madison Square Gardens. Leaving then and there. The look on his face when he realised was absolutely priceless (and yes, I did well up!) and it was worth every penny and every white lie we had to tell to keep it all a surprise.

I love being my children's mum. It's brilliant.

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