Let Time Be Still

By lettimebestill

Barrier Knob

Being almost 12pm and having just arrived home from my weekend I frantically flicked through my photos (there were many!) and ended up picking this one. I woke up this morning on top of Gertrude Saddle from a strange dream to the healthy sound of tea being brewed. Poking my head out of the tent I could see the day would be fantastic; not a cloud in the sky! I was surrounded by rocky peaks with sprinklings of snow patches, glaciers, precarious boulders and tussock, and rock of all shapes and sizes seemed to cascade down forever into the valley below where Milford Sound lay.
It was spectacular.
After some warm tea and PANCAKES while our gear thawed we headed up the rock for a while to Barrier Knob where we cracked out the crampons and ice axes and had a play on the ice. 'Twas great fun! I had to keep putting my camera battery in my armpits to warm it up as it was too cold for all those Li+ ions to move around but got a few shots up the there, this being one of them.

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