
By BikerJim

~Pink Clouds~

~In A Sapphire Sky~

It's a glorious time of year for photographing sunsets
in this arid land known as the Great Sonoran Desert.
In a few months the afternoon skies will be filled
with huge bellowing thunderheads spewing torrents
of rainwater and discharging bolts of awe-inspiring lightning.
The powerful energy of the summer monsoons will inspire and
give rise to a different kind of image than the one shown here.
I can hardly wait for the summer rains to arrive, for the
deluge to begin, with its overwhelming sounds and terrible ferocity.

But in this image I see peace and quietness, a grand solitude,
as I stand upon Sunset Ridge taking in the colors and shapes.
Here I catch a glimpse of day turning into night, light into darkness.
A time of exaggerated colors, the pinks and yellows, blues and the reds.
But soon only monochrome will exist, the blacks and grays of night.
Only to begin anew tomorrow, the cycle continues, endlessly.
Hurry, please, I want the summer rains to begin, how exciting it will be!

Thanks for being up on the ridge with me tonight!
TucsonJim ;o)

Big Blue Sapphire

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