Club 107

By club107

Basket case

The day was long, and it isn't over yet. I was in the office before 6.30 this morning, and not the downstairs one I hasten to add. Madame is away to Paris for the best part of 3 days to help celebrate a birthday which is admittedly 2 months down the line but it is a good excuse for her to go and visit a truly beautiful city.

When Madame and I started going out, she was a student and over the summer she would work on the cross channel ferries, a job which she really enjoyed like a dental visit. It was quite intense, one week on, one week off over the summer to pay her way through her studies. There is a point to this. Anyway, when she would head off for her week onboard 'The Love Boat' (exciting and new) as she called it, I would quite ritually make myself a dish famous as far as I'm aware as being the only Italian dish not actually eaten in Italy, Fettucine al Alfredo. I actually have a recipe book with it in it where the woman states an old friend knew the infamous Alfredo, but I recall doing research, I did say I am a bit of a food obsessive, on the origin of said man and Dame Rumour has it, he didn't exist.

So I would make this for two reasons, the first Madame absolutely hated it and therefore I would never really want to inflict it on her. The second I guess is because it is the sort of dish which kind of fills you up for about three days, depending on the quantity you would eat. There is in fact a third reason, given the quantity of garlic, there was no risk of me ever being able to kiss anyone else, not that I ever wanted to. Tonight I have just lit some incense as the odour is intense.

Madame safely arrived in Gay Paris I shall now try and relax my back, I had an intensive session of ab attack today followed by body balance. Imagine my surprise when I turned up in my pjs as requested for Comic Relief, well that particular sight was rather amusing, only to see no-one in their pyjamas. Hmm, well eventually some did turn up but I felt like someone tricked into believing it was a fancy dress do for a laugh for a minute.

Lovely day, now I must tidy up.

-3° at 6:10am, 9° at 3pm, lets split the difference eh?

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