jeni and the beans

By themessymama


I took two photographs today, jut didn't have the chance for more. But of the two I took, one with the DSLR and one with the iPhone, this one just spoke to me really. Of friendship. Of how our vision and our life can be quite blurry at times. (The other one is in focus, but it doesn't feel like it has much soul.)

Things are subject to change at any given time. We may try to kid ourselves that we are in control but you only have to look around you to realise that we're not really, are we.

Steve's mum and her sister went home today. Ben had become really quite attached to them and didn't want to say goodbye :( He's refusing to say 'bye a lot at the moment, to people who he doesn't want to leave. When Nat went home after spending the afternoon with him, he didn't want to say 'bye to Nat either. Everybody got waved to from the window though, that was his concession.

As easy as it was last time I had both boys here, it was the opposite this time. No fallings out or anything quite so dramatic, just full-on parenting rather than benign neglect!

I am looking forward to tomorrow morning where Ben and I don't have to get dressed to go out, and we don't have any appointments, and we can do handpainting and make birthday cards and take it easy.

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