
16months 23 days

We had a great morning. We went to the garden centre and spent a good 15 minutes wandering through the flowers and plants, with Katie stopping to touch and smell the 'pretties'. We then went and met Ava and her mummy at the soft play in the cafe. The girls were super excited to see each other - Katie couldn't hold the squeals in she was that excited! They played really nicely, stopped for a munch and then played some more.

After they were done playing, we went and looked round the stalls in the centre. The girls spent ages playing with a display of chunky beaded necklaces and bangles, being really careful, just touching them all gently and trying some on. They then went and spent a while playing with a display of children's wellies. They had little handles on them to pull them on with; Katie used them to enable her to carry 7 pairs at once, Ava used them as a handbag and put them on her arm.

We managed to distract them from the wellies long enough to put them back - not necessarily in their pairs, but all on the shelves! They then spent 20 minutes looking at all the fish in the aquatics shop.

Katie had a sleep in the car and we went to meet a friend for a coffee and a walk round a couple of shops. We had coffee in a nice deli that has a big play kitchen and other toys for her to play with. She was especially pleased it had a toy phone.

We've got home and are looking forward to a cup of tea and a play with Granny and Grandad in a bit when they've finished work.

Oh and as promised - here's a few photos of Maria-Sofia

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