
16 months 22 days

...thats Mummy and Katiemoo! We've had a fab fab fab day!!

We started out going to tea and toast for a little bit, she had a play with Emma and Verity but wasnt particularly keen to stay very long. I bought her some bargain jeans in the village shop, and a couple of cheese straws for elevenses. Then we packed up the car and headed to Scarborough.

We got there and went straight to play with Max, my godson, and Aunty Lauren. We all had lunch together. Max - who never eats sandwiches - and Katie - who rarely eats a hot lunch - both troughed half of the others dinner. Katie even let me spoon feed her when she saw I was doing it for Max!

After lunch we took them to Playzone, a big softplay. They had a complete ball. Both of them are totally fearless on things like that, and I got some gorgeous videos! From there, I dropped them all off to play with Nannan and Lauren, and I went to the hospital to see Maria-Sofia (Sofia as she will be known).

I parked up and realised it was the first time I'd been at the hospital since having Katie. I had the nervous feeling in my tummy, as during the pregnancy I had a whole load of worrying visits there and it all came flooding back! it was strange, I bumped into two midwives who'd seen me three times a week for 3 months nearly, but they didn't recognise me - it's crazy how many people they must see so it's understandable, yet to me, they made a huge difference at a scary time. Anyway... that's not my point!

My point is I got to see my beautiful, gorgeous little new niece. Sofia is a darling ,so beautifully perfect. I didn't get cuddles as the little munchkin had been a toad all day long but had finally fallen asleep ten minutes before I arrived. But thats ok, as luck would have it, she was in the crib right next to the window, with beautiful light coming in on her, so I took full advantage and got lots of photos!! (I willl link to some tomorrow) Tanya, Sofia's mummy, is pretty poorly and has had quite a trauma with the delivery, bless her, but it was lovely to see her and chat about it all.

I got home from thehospital to find Katie had been performing her full repertoire and had been quite hilarious. At one point, max had kicked off a bit. Katie had gone over to her coat and tried to put it on and headed for the door! But they played really well together, had a nice tea, and gave each other huge sloppy kisses goodbye.

From there (yes there's more!) we went to pop in at Granny and Grandads for a bit of a play and get her ready in her jammies and give her some milk before heading home. When I told her we were going there, she got so extremely excited!

Today has been a very good day :)

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