Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Redemption Shot

After posting a not so flattering SP, today I am heading out to town and am back to normal. So this shot will hopefully redeem me from looking slovenly in yesterday's real life shot.

At 44 I'm not so into being the subject in pictures, feel much better behind the camera. I feel my age even though I may not look my age. I have my Asian blood to thank for looking young. If you saw pics of my Dad and even met him in person you would be hard pressed to guess he is 69. That aside, like every woman I don't like certain aspects of my looks and there's always that something I want to change. For today though, I am content with Who I Am and I live with Integrity so I sleep well at night. For me, it is enough.

I am blessed and choose to be a blessing to others. That's the intent of my life.

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