Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Today brought on several unusually lucky captures and so it has been difficult to choose which one to blip.

In the early afternoon, a group of six or seven cardinals of both genders visited my back yard as I snapped away from the kitchen window. This male seemed to strike a pose in a fairly small tree that's surrounded by old telephone lines, and with a mass of invasive vines in another tree behind him. I'll wager that not even one of these wires is functioning, as there has not been a land line in this house for many years and there may never be another in future.

The cardinals apparently paid me a visit to feast on the wild bird seed that I had spread around on the paved areas of the yard. There was also a handsome, red-breasted robin who stopped in along with the cardinals (and squirrels, and starlings, and sparrows); the neighbor's cat made a seperate visit.

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