Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Fyne Sunset

No wee birds today ( do I hear a loud cheer out there ? ) I did see them but as I had sunrise shots from very early this morning and sunsets from tonight I thought it was time to give you all a break from siskins , blue tits and chaffinches.

The sky was glorious at sunrise , turning to slate grey about 8:00 am and stayed dull all morning, then blue with white clouds scudding across in mid afternoon.

However it was the amazing sunset colours and reflections in the water tonight which I loved , and all this a the bottom odf the garden ! Oscar had great fun playing n the water and no the stones I threw for him to fetch didn't cause the ripples in the water, those were there as the tide ebbed and flowed round the rocks.
Hope you enjoy one of the first real sunsets this year and that it is the first of many ( could be as prolific as the wee birds , weather permitting!)

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