Planko's Pics

By planko

Soaring high

Had an excellent first day in the new job today. Definitely made the right decision to move. Met some new faces and several familiar ones today and came home with a smile on my face and feeling very positive.

Seem to have picked the right time to join as there's an away day tomorrow to talk about new way of doing what I'm going to be doing a lot of, then beer and curry in the evening. Good opportunity to meet the key people early on.

That will be my 3rd beer&curry in 5 days so must get out walking at the weekend to lose some weight. At least i tried and had a salad for lunch today, little breakfast, and light dinner this evening.

New office is on Princes Street, so should be plenty of opportunity to go blipping at lunchtime once I'm settled in. Late night today, late night tomorrow, down south on Thurs, and as hot desking, will only be taking the small camera for the rest of this week.

Managed to take this close to the house this morning.


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