Planko's Pics

By planko

Hot & Cold

What is it with the weather at the moment, one minute it's getting hotter, and the next its snowing again, then rain. True what they say, four seasons in one day in Scotland!

One of our oldest friends stayed over last night. Was really good to see him, been far too long cause of work. Took his and others advice and had more beer, which definitely sorted the sore head out :)

Once I'd dropped him off at the train station, there was a window of about 2 minutes to take some shots before the rain started again, so here's another shot from the blip goldmine near my house as todays offering.

Talking of work, my ex colleagues were extreemly generous with the leaving gifts on Friday, not only did they give me something to watch, something to drink, and something to drink out of, but they also gave me a very nice gift-card for Jessops so I'll need to start looking to see what i want to buy next.

Start contracting tomorrow so early night for me. No idea what the new place will be like, but I'm really looking forward to it.


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