Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Say cheese!

A funny start to the day today, took little K to school only to realise I'd completely forgot about a birthday party at the weekend! Eeek ... a serious attack of the guilts which lead me to thinking about all the things I keep meaning to do with the kids and haven't got round to doing! My life has taken a dramatic turn of events since joining blip! A couple of months ago I was a stay at home mummy and now I'm working weekends, socially my life has been pretty busy too along with the prospect of a new business! My brain seriously hurts and I think my attention has been divided! Now it's time to get organised ... I can do this, I can do it all, I just need to get organised! Time for a BIG diary ... the ones that mean business! No more forgetting parties! So now I'm feeling nicely positive, i've had a nice day with Miss F, we've played and had lots of cuddles!

Here is big K, I seriously embarrassed him whilst he was out the back with some girls! He knew I was after some pics and was rather gracious in letting me do so! I promised the 'girls' i'd put them on facebook later ... oh the joys of being an embarrassing mum!

I'm not sure I've learnt anything new with the camera today, but the day isn't over yet!

See y'all later!

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