Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

Red sky @ night ...

A slightly earlier blip than recent ones!

So i've learnt a couple more things on my camera today, I can now alter the White balance & the ISO ... wow 2 things in one day ... I'm on fire!

Took big K to football today - R&D v's Kettering with a 4-0 victory! Well done boys! Considering they were down to 10 boys in the last 2 quarters (not due to sending off but we've got some poorly boys today so only 1 sub, then with 2 injuries, that left us with 10!) They still held there heads high & played brilliantly! Whilst there I saw a Red Kite circling above, I never take my camera along to games due to 'new rules' but today I decided to, not to get any pictures of K playing but just encase! I kept it away so when I saw the Kite a tried hard to get it out super quick but I lost the battle! Then I saw 2 more on the way home, we pulled over and off they flew! I'm getting a complex!!! Funny really, I saw my first Kite late last year and there was a family of 4 and that was when we went to a away match @ Kettering! I'll have to be ready next time we play them, home or away!

Well, Monday is almost upon us! School uniforms to Iron & homework to doubly doubly check!

Have a good week blippers!

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