
By cracker

Spencer's 3rd Birthday Party!

Wow, what a day! Spence woke up just after seven and came into our room, we sang Happy Birthday to him and then he went to wake up Nana (Kaz's Mum)! He opened his presents then we got ready for the party!

I was worried that it was going to rain but the day was beautiful! Not a lot of wind and blue skies! I think it was about 29C (84F). We had about 50 people come and had such a lovely time! Spence had a ball, so much attention and kids and activity! We had a bbq lunch and then sang Happy Birthday, then I showed the slideshow I had made on the TV! It all went really well!

We packed up the tarp off the clothesline and took the gazebo down and just as we had finished, the wind picked up and it started to pour down!! It was like it waited until we had just finished to rain!!

Spence is fast asleep and Kaz and I are exhausted but we have had a brilliant day! I am on holidays now for a month so that is awesome as well!!

This is Spence on his new trampoline this morning before breakfast (still in his Tigger Pj's!) and also his Chuggington birthday cake which everyone was very impressed with and tasted great!! It is a chocolate mud cake in the middle!!

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