
By cracker

Steam engine!

Last day at work for a month! No calls so far but we have had a visit from some girl guides who had a look around the station! I finished my slideshow of Spencer's last year between the ages of 2 and 3 and showed my shift mates who enjoyed it and said Spence looks like a lovely happy boy!!

Kaz is off making Spence's birthday cake and Spence is at home with Kaz's mum, Cheryl who is staying tonight and tomorrow night! For Spence's birthday tomorrow we are having a BBQ lunch with about 30 people including about 10 kids who I'm sure will love the trampoline! We have a few more things to organise tonight and in the morning to get ready for it!

When I got into work this morning I saw this old fire truck on a trailer behind a slightly newer fire truck! This one was used around the 1880's and used two horses to pull it along with a firefighter standing on the back stoking the coal fire to heat the water to run the steam engine! It is amazing to me, living in the world of technology that we do now, that 'old' things like this were ever used!!!

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