
The Natural History Museum are running an Urban Tree Survey which I think is a tree-mendous idea. So today, the Friends of Union Terrace Gardens planned to survey the trees in the park ... and today it rained, sleeted and snowed without mercy. A few hardy souls turned up and managed to measure a fair few trees, but the event had to be abandoned :( We plan to return and finish the job another time.

The weather was so poor that I didn't even take my camera out of the pack in the park at all ...

Back home blipless, I've snapped one of last year's leaves / berries that I found in the park today, I think its from a whitebeam.

If you are in the UK why not go out and survey the trees in your own garden or local park ?

P.S. The biggest tree measured today was an Elm with a girth of 346cm at a height of 150cm above ground.

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