"N-East Man's Tsunami Terror"

Terrible, terrible scenes in Japan today ... walking up Aberdeen's Schoolhill in the afternoon I saw the boards for today's Evening Express newspaper which proclaimed "N-East Man's Tsunami Terror" and couldn't resist a blip.

This headline reminded me of the oft-quoted "North-East Man Lost at Sea" headline often claimed to have been in the Press & Journal on the day the news of the sinking of the Titanic broke.

A 1997 history of the paper says that the actual headline on 16th April 1912 was in fact "Mid-Atlantic Disaster: Titanic Sunk by Iceberg. 1,683 lives lost; 675 Saved. Liners Race to Rescue". The NE Man Lost at Sea story stuck though and the papers have a reputation for ultra parochialism.

P.S. Hey, look at the mesh, there's some triangles in there too :-)

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