Bernadette's Vision

By Bernadette

Saturday Chores

Ah the joy of Spring. In our house this means the start of a weekly ritual, "hauling water". Now that the danger of freezing the tank has passed (knock on wood) it's time to keep the 350 Gallon tank full so water the fish pond and fill our jugs. I also water the dome with it until the irrigation starts in mid May.

My Dad, Mr. Stubborn just barely 2 1/2 weeks post Rotator Cuff Surgery insists on doing all these things as usual. He won't let me handle it alone, "Whatever"! (said in perfect California Girl style)

We can't use house water as I have a Culligan Water softener, the fish and plants can't tolerate the salt so we haul RO water from town. 350 gallons is only $2.00, cheaper then the water store to fill our 5 Gallon jugs.

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