Saturday Smiles

16months + 19

I like Saturdays, they're generally a non-day for us, nothing much is on, most of the mummies are doing family things. But that's nice, it means we do Mummy and Katie pottering days. And that was what I thought today was going to be, although it didnt totally turn out to be.

We had a walk this morning, with her on my front in the wrap. She was on a mission to find cats, but was disappointed to fail. Cousin1 rang to see if she could meet us at the playcafe. Katie was having a big cuddle with the owner, who she's not seen in a while, but then Cousin1 walked in and instantly Dana got dumped, bless her! Katie was so chuffed to play with her big cousin.

We came home in time for a friend and 8year old son to stop by for a visit. Aidan was having a blast with Katie's toys - always the way, isn't it? Katie enjoyed having him and shared really well. They were building towers together very happily.

She was very ready for her sleep, totally out for the count in less than a minute from me putting her in the cot. We had a play and popped to the shops for some bits for tea, I'd had a last minute change of heart (ended up doing fishcake, creamy mushrooms and mash with carrots) and she absolutely loved it. She didnt even have room for pudding, which is so rare for Katie!

Oh, and Katie has started saying "Mummy" properly - not mama or mumum.

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