
On a day like today with wet snow falling on a grey dismal world outside the windows, what better way to enjoy the feeling of sunshine in another season and land than by admiring the stained glass handiwork of my friend of many talents.

The panel, depicting the colours and atmosphere of my favourite Greek Island, Tilos in the Dodecanese, was made for an insert in a door of the castle, but with permission of the new owners, it was retrieved, framed, strengthened and delivered to the Dower House last night.
It's like welcoming back an old friend.
We have decided it will grace a dining room window of the Dower house for all to admire.

A very big thank you to my friend o.m.t. and her partner who framed and strengthened it.

On a day like today with wet snow falling on a grey dismal world outside, I am so glad I'm not a snowdrop.

I planted some bulbs in the autumn and now have a row of poor solitary little mites instead of a cluster to keep each other company.

No sooner had they defied months of snow and ice to poke their leaves through the frozen ground and flower, than they were subjected to everlasting rain, gale force winds, and now another barrage of sleet and an icy blanket of cold slush.

No wonder that they have almost given up on life and are hanging their heads in desperation instead of looking happy and cheerful under some warming spring sunshine.

On second thoughts, perhaps I am a snowdrop.

His Lordship is a trifle cocky today having had a photograph printed in today's "The Scotsman" newspaper.
He is now demanding a charge from me for any blip advice.

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