On one memorable day

By hayleya

Cutie McWhiskers

'I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.' Jean Cocteau

I love this little cat.

The afternoon i moved into my new home i left the door open to bring my bags in. I had no furniture and most of my belongings were in storage. I had a camping chair, a bag of clothes and a weary heart.

In pootles this little bundle of fur. Jumps up on my knee gives me a head butt then settles down for a little snooze.

Little by little her visits have become more frequent.

I asked around and no one seemed to know who she belonged to. One neighbour thought she lived here before. I tried not to feed her or give her a name. I just refered to her as 'stolen cat' for a while but that just enhanced my guilt.

I've found out the truth though and she actually belongs to a guy down the street. Eventually i had to confess to him i thought i was inadvertantly stealing his cat. *blush*

'No problem love, cats go where they want.' Another of his cats has moved into a house up the street.

Hurray. I now enjoy her visits guilt free. She really is a darling.


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